Saturday, February 02, 2008


The trip blog is completed.

The learning from this exercise (the writing, NOT the trip) being:

On my next trip:

1. I will either carry my laptop so that daily account can be written the same day (given that we go for biking trips, this is not practical)

2. OR use a cyber cafe every night (this is even less practical)

3. Take 2 days off after the trip - just to complete the blog (Now, this can be done)

4. If I can't do any of the above, I shall NOT write about the trip AT ALL (now you are talking!!)


rayshma said...

i like option 3.
also, drop over and pick thy blessings.

MJS said...

I LOVE option 3. If only I could!!

BTW, I did go to pick up my blessings :)

Suruchi said...

loved ur trip blog!