Monday, January 19, 2009

Having a bad day!

I am having a really bad day. I mean REALLY BAD day. BAD in font size 72, bold, underlined!!!!!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing myself and everyone else a very happy, prosperous and brilliant 2009!!!
May this year bring the best of everything for us and the best of us for everything!!!

A few things I need to do this year, and I intend to stick to these:

1. Practise Yoga, to keep my cool
2. Wake up with a smile EVERY morning
3. Be happy, IRRESPECTIVE!!
4. Lose all the maternity weight that I gained and some more (of course after April!
5. Take some time off from work, for myself and my baby
6. Find a balance between professionalism and motherhood
7. Buy myself a bigger house
8. Learn to love
9. BE loved
10.Scream less!!!!!!