Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Time Machine

I was in Dubai recently. Had gone after 1 year. Someone (do not wish to name), said.. Shit MJ.. you have aged so much in one year! I smiled and said, "Time changes a lot many things".

That night I looked at myself in the mirror, something that I do every morning... but that night I saw myself... after a long time..

And I asked myself, "What's wrong with you?"

Mridula said, 'what? what's wrong? It's all cool'
"Cut the crap" said MJ
Mridula: 'No serious. Why do you ask?'
MJ: Coz I look at myself everyday and it doesnt bother me. But, today I look at you, and you seem to have aged 10 years. You are not the same anymore
Mridula: 'Ah, so you noticed!!!!!'
MJ: 'Tell me.. what happened'
Mridula: 'Time, my love.. time... time changes, circumstances change...things change....people change. So how can I be the same'

There wasn't anything left to discuss. It was the Mridula like never before.. tired, beaten, stressed, angry. And MJ had done a good job in camouflaging her.

But I am glad to know that Mridula is still alive.. even if time has gotten her... at least she still survives!!!

I only hope that someday Mridula will stand up for herself and not let MJ take over!

If only a time machine existed, life would be different!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mridula will win! MJ will always be around but Mridula will win.