Monday, November 05, 2007


Random Thanks:

1. That I don’t have a strong (and unpleasant) body odour (I know of people who do, and every time I talk to them, I feel truly thankful)

2. That I don’t stammer! That I can walk and drive and dance!

3. That I am married to a man, who accepts me as I am, even if he doesn’t like a few (ok.. ok.. a lot many) of my idiotic characteristics; That I have a mother-in-law who doesn’t behave like a typical stereotyped MIL. (You got to meet her to realize how lucky I have been to land up with her.. and how unlucky she must have been to land up with me!!)

4. That I am not fat or ugly looking!

5. That my mom didn’t meet with an accident when she was carrying me – and I had the privilege to be born with no defects!! (OK.. SHUT UP)

Random Questions:

1. How are you supposed to behave when you meet your boss in the loo? (Thankfully I haven’t had female bosses till date, so I haven’t had a chance to experiment!!)

2. If you had 2 dying men – one who has met with an accident and the other who has tried to commit suicide – and you could save only one of them; which one would it be?

3. Why can’t the office AC be just right? Why is it either too cold, or too hot?

4. Why do I have to work? Why can’t I be paid for doing nothing?

5. Why does the house maid need a day off, exactly when you are expecting lots of guests?

Random Facts:

1. If you give me attitude, you either are already insignificant to me, or will soon become so.

2. The best thoughts will occur to you just when you won’t have anything to note them down on

3. I have realized over years that you don’t have to be with people to love them. You can just love them.

4. I never have enough money

5. I don’t know what makes me happy

1 comment:

rayshma said...

random answers to thy random questions. *YES, i love unsolicited advice. giving it, of course!*
1. u check her out 4m head to toe, raise one eyebrow... smirk. and walk off! *u can't really meet her INSIDE, rite!*
2. one who met with an accident.
3. bcoz THAT is a subjective temperature.
4. u can. join the govt. or a few other places i know of but will not name publicly. they pay for doing nothing.
5. murphy's law?

and pls note, i shut up on point 5 in random thanks ONLY coz u sed to. i have lots to say on that...;)