Saturday, December 09, 2006

I am gay today!!

No, not the ‘gay’ gay... I mean the ‘happy’ gay!!!
I am happy! This has been a wierd week for me… the work hasn’t been any less hectic, it’s the same... I even got drunk on weeknights, had terrible hangovers in office the next day, been dead tired… but I am happy despite all this. Or maybe, I have been happy because of this tiring schedule…one thing about being extremely busy is - you never have time for any negative thoughts!!!!!... who knows, and who cares!!!! The bottom line is that I FEEL HAPPY!!!!!

Saturday is a relatively lighter day for me... giving me time to do some thinking and I can put down my thoughts here.. I love these days when u can be happy for no obvious reason... when everything around u is going wrong but u are still smiling.. for me, these are the days when your spirit is at its cheerful best.. And of course, you are yourself!

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