Saturday, November 11, 2006

I am being killed!!!!!!!!

“Idiots in the office are just as hazardous to your health as cigarettes, caffeine or greasy food, an eye-opening new study reveals. In fact those dopes can kill you!”
- From the article ‘Working with fools can kill you!’

I want to laugh .. . I want to roll on the floor and scream my lungs out till tears roll down my eyes… It’s that day of the month… no not THAT day… I meant that day of the month, when you feel like pulling your hair apart.. When you reach your tolerance limits and beyond that.. when you discover the nerves, u never knew existed in your skull… when there is nothing you can do.. when u go hysteric…and u want to laugh .. at your own plight!!!!

“You can cut back on smoking or improve your diet but most people have very poor coping skills when it comes to stupidity - they feel there is nothing they can do about it, so they internalize their frustration until they finally explode. Many people feel sorry for the drooling idiots they work with, so they try to cover for them by fixing their mistakes”
- From the article ‘Working with fools can kill you!’

I have to admit that when I first read the above article, I thought this was some kind of a joke.. but I owe the authors an apology for doubting the authenticity and seriousness of their work. Forgive me, O learned ones, forgive me, for I knew not that they existed!!!

Its been only 10 days in my new job.. and I am already writing this.. I am surprised at myself .. and I am surprised at those who have driven me to this… I am compelled to believe that there will be a day when the world will be full of idiots, because the other species will perish under the stress levels that idiots will cause them.
Hail stupidity!!! Hail idiocy!!! Death to excellence!! Hail mediocrity!!! Stupidity is the greatest virtue of all. While it helps you eliminate competition from work (it’s difficult to cope with your stupidity – they will either quit or join your genre), it also helps you to be ignorant of the damage you are doing to the world. And ignorance is bliss, remember!!!!

I couldn’t agree more that most people have poor coping skills when it comes to stupidity.. And I have no qualms in saying that my capacity for the same is near zero (call me a bad manager if that makes u feel better!). The only disagreement I have is that I don’t feel sorry for idiots. I feel sorry for those around them.. I feel sorry for myself for being in the same place as them!!! And I don’t want to cover up for idiots... I want to eliminate them.. I strongly believe that they have no right to exist.. if you cant survive on your own, you should not be allowed to survive.. Believe me, it’s a war; we have to kill them, before they kill us. There has to be and I repeat, has to be the “survival of the fittest” rule in life. (Am I sounding like Hitler???!!!! Oh god, no!!!)

It’s time we took some lessons from Mother Nature. She had intended that only the best of all species should survive. If you let the weaker ones exist, they ruin everything (and everyone) surrounding them and deteriorate the coming generations. Mediocrity becomes acceptable and non-performance becomes an attitude.

The entire animal kingdom (with the exception of mankind) follows the ground rules laid down by nature. In a pack of lions, only the healthy cubs are allowed to live. When they grow up, they are not spoon-fed. They have to hunt for themselves. If they can’t feed themselves, they will perish. When lions wish to mate, they have to prove themselves and win the female. The lioness allows only the best of the lot to mate with her so that she can pass on the best genes to her off-springs. The weaker ones do not breed, thus ensuring that only the best generations follow.
We, humans, have screwed it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.: If any of you is wondering why am I over reacting, you have to step in my shoes. I promise, the lunch is on me!!!!
If any of my bosses is reading it, I must tell you that I am not such a bad manager after all :). Thanks to my acting skills!!!!

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