Friday, November 06, 2009

lost and found

I used to have a pen. Not an ordinary pen. A Cross pen. So what's extraordinary about it, you ask!
Well, this pen was not any other pen coz it was close to heart. (do you have a heart? You r free to ask, but I will leave that for some other time).
So this pen was close to heart, and I mean every word, with special emphasis on 'close'. It was a gift, a very precious gift. By someone very special. And more, if there is any word to describe it.

And one day, this prized possession disappeard. Just like that. Vanished from my desk. I was spaced out for many days. Mentally kicking myself every minute of every day for having lost it. How could I just allow someone to walk in and take away something that I myself used with extra care, always fearing to spoil it,(ever imagined someone not using a pen!!! that's how special it was).
It was not losing the pen, it was about losing the feeling attached with it which freaked me.

After a mourning period befitting the status of the pen, I tried to get over it. Life goes on I told myself. And it took me more than 6 months to move this shock to the back of my mind. I still hadn't forgotten it, mind you.

And then one fine day, yesterday, I walked to my work station. And something shiney caught my eye.I approached it with caution. Nothing is to be trusted when you have been away from office for 6 months, and your status has already changed from don to visitor! I picked it up, and my heart missed a beat! It was a pen, my pen, 'the' pen!! I picked it up delicately, like a surgeon would pick up an organ, only that his hands won't tremble like mine!! I examined it thoroughly - it was indeed my pen, the scratch that I had accidently put, giving away its identity and removing any doubts that I may have had.

Someone could have left it there by mistake. But this was no accident, it had been very carefully planted on my desk, such that I couldn't have missed it. And someone would have known that I was in office on that day (given that I go to office only once a month or so). Whatever it was, accidental or incidental, I have that special pen back.

And I am wondering, why did it have to come back now? When I was progressing nicely on the get-on-with-it path.

But I am happy to have it back, and I know I m happy coz a smile crosses my face unknowingly when I see it everytime.


Suruchi said...

abe itna cryptic post hai!! But i like it :-D!

MJS said...

Cryptic hai bhi aur nahi bhi hai .. the bottonline is - what is urs will come back to you someday

Unknown said...

and what is not yours will not stay with you :)

Do share the actual story whenever you can.


MJS said...

@ lincoln ji.. I agree.. what is not mine will not stay with me... for long... ;)
BTW, maine poori kahani likh di, phir bhi you want me to tell you the actual story!!!! connecting the dots, huh??

rayshma said...

so now you can cross out the pen from ur thoughts! :)
good to have you back-to-blog!

Anonymous said...

like statitics ...what is hidden is more important :)


Anonymous said...

may be someone planted a new pen instead of that old one .. just to see that SMILE ;)

MJS said...

well, in that case, I know of only a few people who want to see that smile!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you :) cheers !

Anonymous said...

Lucky you :) cheers !