Monday, March 17, 2008


It is like the Chinese Whispers game.

A said that B said that C told him that D was "this".

Interesting game - except that the "this" D happens to be you, after you have slogged your arse out for something you thought was your own. And you have given in your best, at the cost of your health and life. And this is what they think of you??

The feeling right now -
completely mindfucked, totally let down, feeling like an arsehole for having believed that I was doing the right thing!

But then, for being the dick head I have been with my priorities, maybe this is what I deserved!

Who is to be blamed -
- C for having said that about D (which D went a step ahead and verified from various sources);
- or A for having told D in the 1st place and mind fucking D;
- or D for making such a fool of herself!


rayshma said...

can't say anything without context... basically, coz if this concerns ppl from ur workplace, then it's difficult to trust anyone. also, my opinions abt the cult are currently not worthy of being written publicly.
however, if i were in ur shoes: even after having confirmed things, i'd still go with my gut & trust what seems right to me.

MJS said...

Well, my gut feel is worse. Coz I know C verrrry well, and so do you!
So if I am to trust my gut feel, I should be gone!
But then again, I would like to believe that my life is way beyond what C thinks of me..
So still mindf*&ked and struggling to be normal!!!

rayshma said...

ur life is way beyond what ANYone else thinks, gurl...
speak to u later... take care.

rayshma said...

arre aunty, u've stopped logging in or u've blocked me? mera mail mila?
take care...

MJS said...

arre, I haven't stopped logging in. I m forever on gtalk. just ping me! & yes, I got the mail, asked Dr. Mo to get this sorted asap. He is coming here tomm. Shall take it up with him.

Suruchi said...

wats all this about??

MJS said...

Will show you something when I am back!!!!