Thursday, August 05, 2010

Truth or dare?

I spent the last 2 days facing a bitter truth. Sometimes you don't have an option, the truth is just thrust in your face and you are caught off guard.

You bump into it round the corner when you least expect it, when you are trying hard to deny the truth. You are shaken out of your dream world, just when you begin to believe a lie.
It stands tall in front of you, making eye contact. And you have to smile. Coz that's the best (and probably the only) thing you can do.

Would you accept the truth and move on, hurt and hoping that time will make it all right?
Or would you dare to confront and change it; dare to define and work towards the ending the way you want it?

What would you do? Truth or dare?


rayshma said...

depends, actually, on the intensity of the truth.
but mostly, i'd mope about it a few days. then accept, adapt (it to me, and me to it) and move on.
it's just one life we have. the sooner we make peace, the better for us.

Suruchi said...

truth is always bitter but you can stay in peace with yourself once you accept the bitterness and move on. Confrontation is not always the order of the day,will lead to loss of energy and peace and you may still not get what you want!!

MJS said...

@Rayshma, I agree.. it's just one life we have.. so make the most of it!
@Suruchi, yup, its bitter.. but what happens when you accept it, but can't move on?